The Decatur Township Civic Council has served the community of Decatur Township, Marion County, Indiana since 1953.  We are all citizens concerned about how our community grows.  You can help by joining with us.    



 © Copyright 2022
Decatur Township Civic Council - Indianapolis, IN - All Rights Reserved


March 31, 2025

Guest Speaker :

Community Room, Decatur Township School for Excellence




7515  Camby Rd -- Abigail Wojciechowski, represented by David Gilman, seeks a Variance to divide 1 6.9 acre D3 lot into three D3 lots so that two more houses can be built without connection to the public sanitary sewer (instead rely on septic systems).  They also seek to plat these new lots.
This petition is being amended to request a waiver of the requirement to construct sidewalks and to donate right of way along Camby Rd to the City.
STATUS: [2025-CPL, CVR-805]  This petition is scheduled to be heard by the Hearing Examiner on Mar 27.


6900 Millhouse Rd -- DR Horton, represented by Brian Tuohy, seeks the rezoning of 11.2 acres from DA to D4 to all for the construction of 33 single family homes.  This would be an expansion of the Cardinal Grove subdivision.
STATUS: [2025-ZON-012]  This petition is scheduled to be heard by the Hearing Examiner on Apr 24.


3321 S Tibbs Ave -- PDJ's Lake, LLC, represented by James Hillery, seeks a Variance of Use in order to park an RV on an undeveloped residential lot.
STATUS: [2025-UV2-004]  This petition is scheduled to be heard by the BZA on Apr 8.



6900 Millhouse Rd -- DR Horton, represented by Brian Tuohy, seeks the rezoning of 11.2 acres from DA to D4 to all for the construction of 33 single family homes.  This would be an expansion of the Cardinal Grove subdivision.
STATUS: [2025-ZON-012]  This petition is scheduled to be heard by the Hearing Examiner on Apr 24.


4446 Mann Rd -- Dave & Sons Properties seeks to rezone 0.75 acres from C3 to C4 in order to build a gas station.
STATUS: [ ] this petition has not yet been filed.


7515  Camby Rd -- Abigail Wojciechowski, represented by David Gilman, seeks a Variance to divide 1 6.9 acre D3 lot into three D3 lots so that two more houses can be built without connection to the public sanitary sewer (instead rely on septic systems).  They also seek to plat these new lots.
This petition is being amended to request a waiver of the requirement to construct sidewalks and to donate right of way along Camby Rd to the City.
STATUS: [2025-CPL, CVR-805]  This petition is scheduled to be heard by the Hearing Examiner on Mar 27.


3321 S Tibbs Ave -- PDJ's Lake, LLC, represented by James Hillery, seeks a Variance of Use in order to park an RV on an undeveloped residential lot.
STATUS: [2025-UV2-004]  This petition is scheduled to be heard by the BZA on Apr 8.


6225-6245 Kentucky Ave -- Joe Calderon is representing a client who seeks to rezone about 3 acres from DA to C4 so a Speedway gas station and convenience store can be constructed.
STATUS: [ ] This petition has not yet been filed.

Go to Zoning Page for description of  all petitions and where they stand in the zoning process.  You will also find information about upcoming petitions.

Future meeting dates: 

  February 24 March 31
April 28 May 19* June 30
    *=not the last monday of the month

These are all Mondays and meetings begin at 7 PM.  Meetings are held in the Community Room of the Decatur Township School for Excellence.  map

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Decatur Township Board
meeting schedule
all Tuesdays at 6:00 pm
in the
Trustee's Board Room
of the
Decatur Township Government Center
5410 S. High School Rd
          Mar 18
Apr 22          May 20
Aug 19          Sep 2
Sep 16          Sep 30
Oct 14          Oct 28
Dec 16

The schedule is subject to change -- please note new Township Government website

report them to the
Mayor's Action Center:
327-4MAC [327-4622]
MAC On-Line
give them as close an address as you can

You can also report a zoning violation, an animal control problem, and the like, to the MAC.  You do not have to leave your name.

If you would like to receive an email reminder of our Civic Council meetings a few days before, along with a short list of agenda items, please click here.  This will bring up an email form.  Just click  the send button.

  Linda Kile

Vice-President:  Amanda Williams

Treasurer: Anthony Parks

Recording Secretary:  Judy Houser

Corresponding Secretary:  Jan McWhirter


Mayor's Liaison:
Rosie Stockdale --




IMPD Community Contact
Paula Barnes  --  327-6465