© Copyright 2008 - 2021
Many issues face Decatur Township with development in the Township dramatically increasing in the past decade. There are many opportunities for all members to serve for the betterment of our community. The Civic Council currently has eight standing committees. To become a member of one of these committees, one must be a member of the Civic Council. The Land Use Committee reviews petitions for zoning and variances and makes recommendations to the Council concerning these petitions. It works as a liaison to the Metropolitan Development Commission and other zoning boards notifying the appropriate people who will be affected by zoning changes, sending a representative when appropriate to the hearings, works with the Land Development Committee on future township development, assists in the mediation between petitioners and remonstrators to develop acceptable covenants and commitments. Chaired by Pat Andrews The Land Development Committee works with the existing organizations to expedite the development of the recommendations and express concerns to the Council concerning land development issues. Chaired by Chip Pierson Civic Affairs Committee works with the Sheriff and Fire Departments, trustee and other government agencies. Chaired by Joe Griffith. The Legislative Committee organizes programs involving candidates seeking election to public office and for serving as a liaison to the City-County and Indiana Legislature. . The Public Relations Committee handles publicity for the Council, scheduling the facility for meetings and arranges for Council booth at the 4H Fair. The Transportation Committee makes recommendations to the Council on matters concerning traffic controls, sidewalks, transportation, streets, roads and highways. The Committee serves as a liaison for the Council to the State and County Highway Departments and the Indianapolis Airport Authority. Chaired by Terry Sylvester. The Parks Committee works with the Indianapolis Parks Department and Indianapolis Parks Foundation for development and improvement of all public parks in Decatur Township. The Membership Committee is chaired by Amanda Williams. |